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Prime Minister Hani Mulki


Gustavo Santos


The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has earned a reputation for constancy in times of crisis. Our decades-long ability to maintain a robust and stable economy stems from serious commitment to reforms and to the enabling environment we have provided for businesses to innovate, thrive and grow. The Kingdom’s unique political stability and a history of sound regulatory environment and macroeconomic policies, coupled with far-reaching efforts to improve the business climate, has helped Jordan to position itself as an attractive destination in the heart of the Levant. 

Jordan’s stability and international recognition are not a coincidence, but rather the fruits of moderation, respect, and openness. Today, Jordan is an open economy with ample potential, extensive trade and global financial linkages, in addition to being a gateway to regional and global economies. It provides comprehensive range of incentives and facilitations to potential investors, including preferential access to most global markets. Our Investment Commission acts as a one stop shop to all investors and adhering to the highest international standards related to the simplification of investment procedures.

A highly-skilled, competitive, and globally-aware workforce, supported by modern infrastructure and technology, has powered Jordan’s rise as a fast-growing regional commercial and business center. Our business parks, industrial estates, free zones and other development and special economic zones provide enhanced transportation and logistics and have driven Jordan’s transformation to become a regional hub for businesses, trade, tourism, and culture. Sitting at the intersection of three continents on what is referred to as the new Silk Road, Jordan has also access to nearly a billion consumers in Europe, United States and Asia.

Over the past decade, Jordan was able to position itself as successful model for implementing public-private partnerships (PPPs) projects in the region including but not limited to electricity generation, water and wastewater, renewable energy and transport. Jordan is regarded as a leading regional model in wind and solar energy where projects worth of USD3 billion are being implemented or in pipeline for implementation thus transforming the energy challenge that the Kingdom’s used to face into an economic opportunity. These projects have helped Jordan reinforce its national infrastructure and provide critical public goods and services. In the next five years, a further USD20 billion worth of infrastructure projects in areas of water, solid waste, energy, electricity, transport, ICT, urban development are set to be delivered through PPPs - a key financing vehicle emphasized in Jordan’s 10 year socioeconomic blueprint, Jordan 2025, launched in 2015.

Jordan is also engaged in a multifaceted partnership with the international community, serving as a regional logistics hub and representing a potential gateway for reconstruction and rebuilding efforts for Syria and Iraq. As part of this partnership, Jordan has a new trade arrangement with the EU providing a 10-year preferential trade status with the EU, through simplified rules of origin, allowing nearly all manufacturers to increase their exports to European markets—everything from apparel and electrical appliances to chemicals, cosmetics and furniture.

Jordan is moving forward with its national program for reform and development, acknowledging that healthy investment and business climates are critical to long-term, sustainable growth. The Kingdom continues to be a perfect place to grow and develop a business as a manufacturing base and outsourcing center, establish a distribution gateway or consulting hub, or create a base for infrastructure and reconstruction projects. During a time of regional unpredictability, Jordan is following a path based on investment and growth and one which marshals all of Jordan’s unique strengths and assets.

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